Sunday, October 9, 2011


So I'm currently dog-sitting for my co-worker, Kara and I thought I would share a little story of what happened last time I was here:)  The dogs, Emerson (boxer) and Izzy (lab-mix) are very active!  Izzy makes Emerson do what she wants and one evening while they were out in the backyard, I noticed that Emerson's collar was off.  It was already dark outside, but I went out anyways and tried to find his collar.  I gave up after a pass through the yard and decided I would find it the next morning when I let the dogs out. 

The next morning (Sunday) the dogs woke me up at 6am to be let outside, so I came downstairs and let them out.  I remembered that I needed to find Emerson's collar, so I went upstairs and got my shoes then as I was going out, the dogs were ready to be let in.  I went out, the dogs came in.  I searched the yard for about 10-15 minutes and finally found Emerson's collar, Izzy had actually broke it!  I went back to the door and the door was LOCKED!  The dogs had somehow locked the door!  I tried to get them to unlock the door by following my hand up, but it didn't work.  It was at that moment that I realized that my key and cell phone were inside on the kitchen island.  I had no way to contact anyone and no way in the house.  Kara's parent's (my boss) live about 15 minutes away, but they were out of town together! 

I walked around the house trying to find a way inside and I saw the garage door opener and got excited!  I didn't know their code, but I do know their all I needed was a phone.  I decided to just wake up their neighbor, who is hispanic and doesn't really speak english.  I was able to ask her to borrow her phone quite easily, thank you high school spanish:)...I called and asked the garage code to find out that it didn't work!  I started freaking out thinking that I would have to break a window or something to get in!  I found out that Kara's mom had a spare key at her house, so I just needed to find a way there!  It was looking good.  I got off the phone with them and then I was ready to call a friend to take me to get the key. 

Then I hit the next roadblock...I don't have anyone's phone number memorized!  I asked to use a phone book, but who has a land line anymore!?!  The neighbor had woke up her daughter by this time and she spoke perfect english, so we no longer had a language barrier.  After a few minutes of me searching frantically for someone's phone number, they offered to drive me!  So these people that I woke up at 6am on a Sunday morning saved me by letting me use their phone and taking me to get the key. 

Thankfully when I got back, the dogs hadn't gotten into much--there was just a few pieces of paper shredded on the floor and a rug from one room in another room. 

This time, I have not gone anywhere without my phone and the house keys!  Oh and Kara mentioned after they got back that the dogs had done that to her husband, would have been nice to know before it happened:) 

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